Mechagodzilla Video

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A sequel to King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island, Godzilla vs. Kong is a 2021 American science fiction monster film produced by Legendary Pictures. It is the fourth installment in the MonsterVerse series after Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019).

Godzilla vs. Kong has finally been released after being postponed from May 29, 2020 to March 13, 2020, November 20, 2020, and ultimately May 21, 2021. On March 31, 2021, it will be released in the United States. The film was also accessible on HBO Max until April 30, 2021.

In addition to being directed by Adam Wingard, the film is produced by Mary Parent, Alex Garcia, Eric McLeod, and Brian Rogers, with the screenplay written by Eric Pearson and Max Borenstein, based on a story by Terry Rossio, Michael Dougherty, and Zach Shields. The film is currently in production. King of the Monsters was written by Borenstein, Dougherty, and Shields as well. Godzilla vs. Kong is set five years after the events of King of the Monsters, and it follows Godzilla and Kong as they engage in a massive fight in the aftermath of Ghidorah's wrath.

Godzilla vs. Kong pits two of the world's most feared monsters against one other in a fight that might decide the destiny of the whole planet. Jia, an orphaned child with whom Kong has created a special and deep relationship, joins Kong and his guards on a risky adventure to locate his rightful home. When Godzilla unleashes his fury, they find themselves in the path of the monster, whose trail of destruction cuts over the whole planet. Despite the titanic battle sparked by unknown forces, the mystery surrounding Earth's interior has only just begun to be unraveled!

Godzilla and Kong are the only live Titans on Earth in 2024, five years after Godzilla defeated his alien foe Ghidorah. A storm generated by Ghidorah combined with the storm cell that surrounds Skull Island has caused its climate to become unstable, forcing Monarch to confine Kong inside a dome-shaped facility that simulates the island's environment, with an orphaned young Iwi girl named Jia who is deaf and can communicate with Kong via sign language.

When Jia pays a visit to Kong and offers him a toy, the Titan, knowing that he is stuck within the biodome, discovers this and instantly tosses a tree at him.

Meanwhile, Bernie Hayes, an Apex Cybernetics employee and presenter of the Titan Truth Podcast, exfiltrates material implying dark operations at a Pensacola Apex facility, but Godzilla appears and suddenly strikes. Among the rubble of the facility, Bernie discovers a bizarre piece of equipment like a huge robotic eye.

Meanwhile, Apex's founder and CEO, Walter Simmons, hires Nathan Lind, a former Monarch scientist turned Hollow Earth theorist, to assist them in their hunt for a tremendous energy source in the Hollow Earth, a subterranean planet under the Earth and the secret home of the Titans. Nathan is first cautious since his brother attempted to investigate the Hollow Earth, but a powerful anti-gravity field within the tube killed him. After Walter discloses that Apex has constructed and produced Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, specialized vehicles capable of withstanding the gravity field's pressure, he eventually accepts.

Nathan travels to Skull Island and meets his colleague, Monarch anthropological linguist and Jia's adoptive mother Ilene Andrews, with the idea of using Kong as their navigator to lead them to the energy source because Skull Island can no longer contain him and allow him to survive (because Kong has grown too large). Though Ilene first refuses, explaining that Godzilla would come for Kong as soon as he was transferred off Skull Island, she eventually agrees when Nathan convinces her that they must undertake this mission in order to end Godzilla's rampage and to find Kong a new home.

The Titan attacks the soldiers before capizing the barge and almost drowning Kong and the others on board. Finally, Nathan releases Kong's bindings, allowing him to fight Godzilla under the surface long enough to swim up to the surface and overturn the barge, saving the passengers from drowning. Then Godzilla leaps onto a nearby aircraft carrier to face Kong. Fighter planes successfully distract Godzilla before Kong can force Godzilla back into the ocean. Kong rushes off the carrier to dodge the atomic explosion, but Godzilla wraps his tail around him and drags him into the ocean, attempting to drown the Titan.

Their struggle is broken up, however, when Godzilla is distracted by depth charges, allowing Kong to surface for air.

Nathan, seeing no other choice, determines that the crew should instead shut off all of the ships' power in order to fool Godzilla into believing that he has destroyed them and Kong has been beaten, which they finally succeed in doing. Godzilla looks about at the shattered fleet with a puzzled expression on his face and then swims away, certain that he has triumphed. As a result of realizing that Godzilla may resurface if the ships are reactivated, the survivors adjust their plans and instead fly Kong to a Hollow Earth entrance point in Antarctica, the location where Ghidorah was first frozen. Jia reveals to Kong that his house is via the front door, but that he is apprehensive about going through it.

Madison and Josh track down Bernie, who recognizes Madison as Mark's daughter and decides to help them in their investigation. The team discovers that the "eye" Bernie had described before has disappeared when they arrive to Apex headquarters in New York. The group made the mistake of mistakenly locking and transferring Skullcrawler eggs through an underground tube to Hong Kong, which resulted in the eggs being trapped and moved.

They come face to face with Apex's ultimate weapon, "Mechagodzilla" a mechanical Godzilla controlled by Dr. Ishiro Serizawa's son, Ren Serizawa, who is the son of the late Dr. Ishiro Serizawa. Mechagodzilla's Titan-fighting talents are put to the test when Walter summons a massive adult Skullcrawler called "Number 10" into the area to test Mechagodzilla's Titan-fighting abilities. Mechagodzilla captures the Skullcrawler as it gets close to Madison, Josh, and Bernie and restrains it before cleaving it in half with a massive red energy beam as it approaches them. As a consequence of the power supply's limitations, the mecha shuts off immediately after starting.

In the next scene, it is revealed that Walter aims to harness the energy of the Hollow Earth in order to overcome Mechagodzilla's constraints. Madison then understands that Mechagodzilla is the cause for Godzilla's assault in the first place: Apex is attempting to replace him and all of the Titans in order for humans to become the Earth's apex species, which is why Godzilla attacked. When Madison and the others are trying to find an exit, they come across a room where Ren is sitting inside the severed head of Ghidorah, which has been transformed into a biological supercomputer and cockpit for Ren to control Mechagodzilla through radio waves after Apex acquired it from Alan Jonah five years ago during Godzilla's battle with Ghidorah.

Kong and Nathan's crew discover an environment similar to Skull Island within the Hollow Earth. They are traversing the area when they are abruptly assaulted by a pair of Warbats, one of which destroys one of the HEAVs. Kong saved the party by killing the first Warbat and swinging its carcass onto the second, which staggers it, but the beast recovers and constricts itself around him. Before the Warbat can suffocate Kong, it is hit by missiles fired by Nathan's crew in their HEAV, allowing Kong to break free and viciously pummel the monster to death before feeding on the dead Warbat's intestines.

Afterwards, Kong and Nathan's crew begin their trek to a large stone temple that formerly belonged to Kong's ancestor. During their explorations, they come upon evidence of a long-ago conflict between Kong's and the Godzilla race, as well as an antique axe crafted from a dead Godzilla member's dorsal plate. To enhance Mechagodzilla's supply of power, Nathan and his crew have discovered the source of the electricity needed to recharge Kong's axe. A spider-like drone is used by Maia and the Apex crew, despite Ilene's protests that Apex cannot just take the discovery of the century and send it back to Hong Kong. Maia has her guards point their rifles at Nathan's crew, only for Kong to fiercely yell at them in their defense. Godzilla, on the other hand, is alerted to the activation of Mechagodzilla and immediately commences a direct attack on Hong Kong.

Kong accepts Godzilla's challenge and sets off with his axe towards Hong Kong, followed by Ilene, Nathan, and Jia in their HEAV, a hole created by Godzilla's atomic breath. When Kong meets Godzilla in Hong Kong again, he gains the upper hand and shoves his axe down Godzilla's throat, preventing him from firing his atomic breath. Kong injures Godzilla in the thigh with his axe, but Godzilla removes and discards the axe. Kong reclaims his axe and wields it against Godzilla, generating an explosion that sends both Titans fleeing, giving Nathan the idea that Kong had won the second round of the Godzilla fight.

Kong and Godzilla both recover and get back to their feet, with Godzilla searching for Kong, who hides from the Titan by perching himself on a skyscraper. Kong throws a construction crane into a building, distracting Godzilla to the point he ambushes him from above and places the Titan in a chokehold intending to strangle him, only for Godzilla to break free and unleash his full fury against Kong, eventually dislocating his left arm, slashing Kong with his claws and even stomping on his chest twice, despite Kong trying to force Godzilla off of him by punching his wounded thigh. With Kong subdued and pinned down, Godzilla furiously roars at his opponent in a show of dominance, but Kong, defeated, angrily roars in defiance against Godzilla.

Walter instructs Ren to dispatch Mechagodzilla to kill Godzilla back at the Apex headquarters. Despite Ren's warnings not to use the new Hollow Earth energy source without first testing it, Walter dismisses Ren's pleas and orders the mecha to be activated. Bernie, Madison, and Josh are apprehended by security and taken to Walter for infiltrating Apex headquarters. Madison accuses Walter of inciting Godzilla to war and caused all of this, however he boldly argues that he took responsibility for allowing humanity to fight back against Godzilla and the Titans.

After Kong awakens, he witnesses the battle between Godzilla and Mechagodzilla before meeting up with Jia, who tries to convince Kong that Godzilla isn't really his enemy. Though Kong doesn't believe her at first as he continues to watch Godzilla being overwhelmed by Mechagodzilla, Jia reveals the truth to him that the robot is the "real" enemy, not Godzilla. After a moment, Kong finally accepts and puts aside his grudge before heading into battle to help Godzilla while fixing his dislocated arm.

The robot Mechagodzilla is about to fire a red energy beam down Godzilla's neck when Kong dives on top of the robot and deflect the beam into the air, thereby saving Godzilla's life. Following the realization that King Kong saved his life and realizing that he is not an adversary, Godzilla joins forces with King Kong to battle against the mechanized monster Mechagodzilla.

The two Titans work together to change the tide, but the robot proves to be stronger than their combined might and defeats them. Kong reclaims his axe from the ruins after losing it during his previous encounter with Godzilla, but his weapon, having lost its charge, is worthless against Mechagodzilla, who tries to mortally impale Kong with its tail drill. All hope seems to be gone for Kong and Godzilla, but Bernie, understanding he and the others are powerless, takes out a flask of vodka and suggests they all take a drink. Josh, however, takes the flask from Bernie's grasp and short-circuits Mechagodzilla's controls by dumping the contents of the drink all over the control panel, causing Mechagodzilla to stop for a brief while and allowing Godzilla and Kong to recover and reclaim the upper hand.

When Godzilla sees Kong wielding his axe, he supercharges it with his atomic breath, enabling Kong to dismember Mechagodzilla limb from limb and pull off its head before holding up his prize and settling down to rest.

In the words of the site's audience review summary, "This long-awaited blockbuster matchup makes it easy not to think about the so-so story and characters by serving up plenty of action and incredible effects." Indeed, although many viewers enjoyed the film's monster brawling, others were let down by the film's "half-baked" human element. In the United States, the film had generated an estimated $48.5 million dollars in box office revenue by Sunday morning of its five-day weekend release period, helping to put a stop to the COVID-19 pandemic-fueled box office decline. WarnerMedia claimed in a statement that the film had the largest viewership of any series or movie aired on HBO Max since its launch, but did not disclose precise figures. The film also performed well in foreign markets, earning over $236 million in countries outside than the United States.

On April 17, 2021, despite the pandemic's impact on movie business, Godzilla vs. Kong exceeded Godzilla: King of the Monsters' total box office.

Since 1962's King Kong vs. Godzilla, neither Godzilla nor King Kong have appeared in a film together.

After his unproduced script for the unmade 1994 feature, this is Terry Rossio's first Godzilla film.

This film makes several allusions to the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion:

Like Godzilla, Kong evades an angel by jumping from ship to ship.


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